4/24/18 Meeting Notes


7:30-8:00 — Pray + Logistics

  1. Devotional by Zach (1 Peter 1:3-9)

    1. Similar to James 1:2

    2. We give thanks:

      1. For

      2. In

      3. In spite of

      4. All the more

      5. Even though

    3. As we get older; how unnecessarily complex and intricate are our prayers?

    4. Outward trials help produce inward character; Peter seems to embody James' sentiment of rejoicing when you face trials of many kinds; suffering is a way to continue to build yourself up (have unfading beauty which is inside)

    5. Likewise, suffering is in many ways, inevitable because we are not citizens of the world; living for God therefore is in direct contradiction with living for the world; do not live for Earthly desires

    6. Fight for faith in all circumstances

    7. Do not cease to verbalize prayer

  2. Doing a photoshoot as a way to launch our next event

    1. Bring book next meeting

    2. Don’t look like a slob :-)

  3. Augustine Collective EIC Retreat Recap

    1. First night session: Why Augustine? Engaging culture.

      1. Looking to your audience, what is uniquely Cornellian

      2. Naming half-truths, addressing the Cornell culture

      3. Know your Christianity, know what questions to ask: READ BIBLE

      4. Don’t get so academic that you depart from the basic truths of the Bible

      5. Give hope to readers!

      6. “First word, not the last word.” (Pebble in the shoe)

    2. Looking with a worldview or a lens

    3. Practical Takeaways

      1. Sharing the Apologia reader, possibilities about our own Cornell reader

8:00-8:15 — Distribution discussion (led by Carley + Staff)

  1. Who?

  2. Where?

  3. Partnerships with other events

  4. Overall Notes

    1. Social media before distribution!

    2. Not interfere with large groups

    3. Club Fest

    4. Other available distribution channels; channel and other activities

    5. Have someone who manages events; create an event coordinator position

    6. Community building of this group; social coordinator for in and outward things; two people

    7. Going to more churches and expand; you’re an adult; and adults and share;

    8. Use the COAH website (which ones have a larger demographic)

    9. Calvary Baptist, Vineyard, Bethel Grove, Calvary Chapel, Sage Chapel? (will ask)

    10. Social Media: regularly on FB but not daily

      1. Posting the articles discussed

    11. Make launch party

      1. Willard Strait

      2. Paperless Posts? (maybe save for the first meeting)

      3. Chalking / Quarter Cards

      4. Make people excited

      5. Having food out and people looking at the journals; Photobooth; aesthetically pleasing

      6. Open Mic type

      7. Launch before talking to fellowships, then fellowships, then kick-off (have a program?)

      8. Summer communication?

      9. Put journals on campus

8:30 — Pray + Closing remarks

  1. Next week think about theme (we’ll discuss next meeting)

  2. Hype up final meeting? (definitely will have food)

  3. Come next week prepped for the photo shoot: book!

  4. Announcements

    1. Thursday (4/26)

      1. Beimfohr-Neuss Lecture with Mia Chung 7:30-9 @Sage Chapel

    2. Friday (4/27)

      1. Cornell Veritas Forum Presents Looking for Luke 5-6:30 @165 McGraw Hall

      2. Cru Avengers: Infinity War hangout 10:15 @Regal Cinemas

    3. Sunday (4/29)

      1. Carley’s Orchestra Concert 3-4:30 @Bailey Hall

      2. Measureless Concert from 3:30-5 @Sage Chapel

      3. Live from Ithaca, NY from 6:30-9 @Vineyard Church