Versed in Christ, Pt. 2: Adam's Song



James brings us our second poem of the Easter 2018 Poetry Series: Versed in Christ! He clearly has a knack for creative use of words, if you didn't know already from his songs, so check out his poem below.

Adam's Song

As he slept, she was awakened to new life

Hidden from his eyes ‘til morn, then brought forth

To animals given unique name, to wife

Given complement of intrinsic worth

Naked with no fear, naked body and heart

Soul exposed to truth, mind exposed to lie

There comes the wild serpent, craftier, more smart

To close wid’ning gap ‘long with chance to fly

Praise comes from trial, Satan, perfect candidate

The sweet taste of death, rec’pe passed to all

Seeing more they saw less, eyelids alternate

Knowing more they knew less, turmoil befall

Sound of divine presence touched the perished ear

Among greenery, hid from holy sight

Why dost thou hide and from where did you gain fear?

Standing alone, ‘twas influenced to plight

Pain of disobedience, now pain of foal

Reaping desperate what he has not caused

Sustenance no longer chore, light burden stole

Now live and rust, succumb to deathly claws

So clothed and sent away, gone from paradise

Eternal communion temporary

Angel and flaming sword sharpen their demise

‘Til sharpened nail cuts through adversary

Scripture References: Genesis 2-3, Romans 5:12-20

Van Haarlem, C. (1592). The Fall of Man [Painting]. Retrieved from Wikimedia.