4/10/18 Meeting Notes


7:30-8:00 — Pray + Logistics (led by Carley, Abby, and Zach)

  1. Overview of final things needed (DUE TONIGHT!)

    1. ARTICLE writers: bio, headshot, pull quotes, titles, tagline, citations, book recommendation, and photos

    2. POEM writers: bio, headshot, and title

  2. Augustine Collective EIC Retreat (April 13th-15th)

    1. EIC Zach will be going! Prayers for safe travels and that it would be an informative and restorative time

    2. Some topics addressed

      1. Recruitment and staff development

      2. Getting and producing great content (on time!)

      3. Elevating your voice on your campus

      4. Building culture / community

    3. Will get to interact with leadership staff from all around

      1. Any questions that YOU guys have that I can ask on your behalf?

        1. What are your best practices for recruiting and developing your staff?

        2. What are your best practices for getting and publishing great content (on time!)?

        3. What are your best practices for elevating your voice and engaging campus?

          1. Distribution practices, having launch party, like page to show up with Claritas, bridging non-Christian partnership, etc.

        4. What are your best practices for building culture and community?

      2. Especially thinking about leadership

  3. Future planning

    1. Distribution process suggestions?

  4. Finishing Titling

    1. Kurlya Yan

    2. Brandon Daniels

8:00-8:10 — Blog Brainstorming and Writing Time! Led by Jamie 8:10-8:40 — Discussion

  1. Read and discuss Michelle Liu’s article from the NY Times, "Improving Ourselves to Death" by Alexandra Schwartz

    1. What actually is causing this problem and the rise of self-improvement?

      1. Economic reasons; people getting exploited (also spiritual reasons)

    2. Is there one dominant reason that is driving this obsession and craving for self-improvement?

      1. The narrative is focused on us; the story that we have: I have to be the most amazing main character

    3. Self-help is the largest section in a bookstore

    4. God has hid eternity in our hearts;

    5. Be reminded that life in the world is more than you

    6. Understanding the power and the danger of habit

    7. Importance and idea of wanting to be in control

8:40 — Pray + Closing Remarks

  1. Sign up on the excel sheet to lead discussions!