Versed in Christ, Pt. 1: Grammar Resurrected



Easter may have passed last week, but crawling back to class, what better time to be reminded of Jesus' life-changing — rather, life defining — deed? This month, the Claritas blog is pioneering an Easter 2018 Poetry Series, titled "Versed in Christ."

Our series' first poem, "Grammar Resurrected" by Blog Editor Jamie Har, is a special venture for Claritas. It was inspired by the Easter sermon at her home church, but to bring the poem more to life (haha… get it?), Jamie transformed it into a video — Claritas' first! Take a look to taste the love she poured into it and, more importantly, the sweet victory of Jesus Christ.


Grammar Resurrected

The Period that ended Lazarus’ life

in a death Sentence,

Jesus lifted

To introduce space for a Comma,

reformed into a Semicolon;

rolled away like a tombstone, it then connected

the loss of past with the Clause following.

But Lazarus’ life was still bound by covers on each end,

as if he was never undressed of his linen strips.

The ink that coursed through his veins, still penned,

continued fading toward death impending.

Yet this play with Punctuation was merely the Preface

to when Jesus would face punctures, in his hands and feet

to when, as playwright, he unravels his lines of script

promising eternal life, and hands death its defeat;

rolling away his own tombstone, he then surpassed

the laws of past with his cause following.

The Paragraphs that constructed Lazarus’ life

in finite Chapters,

Jesus rewrote

To illustrate my life with the infinite Word,

reformed into a whole Colon:

who points to Jesus

          as un-questionably remarkable, though I may Question my Mark

who emphasizes him         

by exclaiming his proclamations, though I am just the Exclamation Point

The First and Final draft

The Pen, the Page, and the Publisher

Jesus broke Brackets and Dashed to my rescue

So that the suffering in his crucifixion became the Suffix to my damning death

and the Prefix to preeminent life in a novel nonfiction.

Song: Holy Spirit Instrumental

Sermon by Pastor Soosang Park of San Jose New Hope Church (English Ministry): The Resurrection and The Life in My Life

A useful site for more information about the referenced grammar is the Grammarly blog. Here are posts about semicolons and colons.