Who's Sitting At The Kids' Table?
Happy Thanksgiving! May your hearts and bellies be full of gratitude this holiday season. To spread some festive cheer, the Claritas staff cast their votes to decide who among us would be graciously honored with a seat at the kids’ table this year. Break out your juice boxes and chicken nuggets—things are about to get real!
The results are in… sitting at the kids’ table this year are Carelton Perkins, Joaquin Rivera, David Johnson, Michaela Dumlao, Wyatt Sell, Cameron Pien, and Alex Gallagher.
Here are what the anonymous voters had to say about their picks for the kids’ table:
Carleton Perkins
“I trust Carleton to be well-behaved without adult supervision. And let’s be real, he’d benefit from the kids menu food options too. May the Lord expand Carleton’s tolerance for greens and “spicy” foods, but in the meantime, may Carleton be sustained in health by the questionable nutritional value of his present diet.”
Joaquin Rivera
“He has a youthful soul with the kind of creative spark which we tend to lose to our own detriment with age, and would certainly have a lot to say at the kid’s table to the benefit (and simultaneously also entertainment) of the kids.”
David Johnson (okay, maybe this one’s not-so anonymous…)
“I do not know if self-nomination is allowed, but because I am a child at heart, I have a certain disregard for rules. As the youngest of five kids, this is a no-brainer: I’m at the kids’ table. Always have been, always will be. Besides, the conversations are more engaging. Instead of discussing the superficial and the transient—politics, pop culture, and payments—the kids discuss the cardinal and the eternal. We talk about water, clear as crystal. We talk about gifts, like mashed potatoes and the paradise of pumpkin and pecan pie. And we talk about more eternal things, like people.”
Michaela Dumlao
“Being around kids will remind her of the days when she was young, carefree, and not addicted to coffee, which will help her overcome her caffeine dependency. Also, she’s quite a messy eater, and when she does remember to drink water, she’s prone to spilling it on herself. Yet in all seriousness, her exuberant, radiant joy makes her a perfect fit for the kids’ table! The overly stoic adults would stifle her vibes. ily Michaela:D”
Wyatt Sell
“Wyatt is British, so like a child, he doesn’t fully understand Thanksgiving. He belongs at the kids’ table. He might know some history—the good and the bad—and be familiar with some traditions—the good and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade—but Wyatt will never fully understand Thanksgiving. I don’t feel too bad writing this .... Wyatt would probably be proper chuffed to sit alone since our bloody rubbish Americanisms already knackered him. P.S. To clear my conscience, I received Wyatt’s approval on this, so we are making amends, even if 250 years later :)”
Cameron Pien
“(1) She’s often caught hiding in the corner behind a book because she’s terrified of talking to adults. (2) The kids often go first to get food, and she would like first dibs on the pumpkin pie. (3) She’s working on having a childlike faith!”
Alex Gallagher
“So he can achieve his dream of winning an intense Hungry Hungry Hippos tournament, a topic he waxes poetic about in his piece for the upcoming Margins issue (stay tuned!)”
In conclusion, adult conversations are overrated. These Claritas writers stand proudly with their juice boxes and sticky fingers. We may not have wine glasses or political discussions, but we do have stretchy pants and second helpings. Our giggles spill over the table like gravy over mashed potatoes—perhaps a little grainy, but delicious all the same. Here's to laughter, joy, and the blessing of sticky fingers. Happy Thanksgiving!