10/30/18 Meeting Notes


7:30-7:35 – Prayer7:30-8:05 – Business + Logistics

  1. Blog/Social Media Involvement

    1. Faith in the Field: Shared on Fridays

      1. If anyone else wishes to write, you’re welcome to-- we may have this be a recurring theme in other semesters too

    2. MUSE: Shared on Wednesdays

    3. Axios: keeping up with news that matters

2. Blog Writing Review:

  1. 600-800 words

  2. Short paragraphs (1-4 sentences max)

  3. Catchy intro (lede)

  4. Like any other writing, outline is important because you need a strong structure and message in your writing

  5. Style: each is your own, but look to previous Claritas blogs for reference (sophisticated enough that it’s not a joke and is sincere, but casual enough that it connects with audiences and portrays your real self.)

3. Print Article Progress (Abbez)

  1. Loose ends

  2. Proofing party

    1. Saturday November 17th – Dinner party, 6 PM until we finish editing

    2. Ask Carley for more information + inform her of any dietary restrictions!

4. Citation Workshop (Carley)

  1. Help fix citations for copyediting!

  2. Copyediting guidelines

8:05-8:25 – Discussion

  1. Sign up to lead future discussions.

  2. Discussion article on “It’s Getting Harder to Talk about God” Led by Joseph Reigle

8:25-8:30 – Closing + Prayer