10/16/18 Meeting Notes


7:30-7:40 — Pray + Logistics7:40-8:10— Logistics

  1. Blog Update

    1. Welcome to Brooke as our Assistant Blog Editor!

    2. Faith in their Field: Final List

      1. AAP: Joseph Reigle

      2. Hotel: Adrienne Hein

      3. Engineering: Sara Gorske

      4. ILR: Emani Pollard

      5. CALS: James Seaton

      6. A&S: Renee Williamson

      7. HumEc: Phoebe Lee

      8. If anyone else wishes to write, you’re welcome to-- we may have this be a recurring theme in other semesters too

    3. MUSE: Final List (first post out Wednesday)

      1. Pop: Carley Eschliman

      2. R&B/Hip-hop: Jamie Har

      3. Acoustic: Brooke Lindsey

  1. Social Media Involvement

    1. Y’all, we need you to share things on your profiles!!

  2. Print Article Progress (Abbez)

    1. Communicate with us how we can help you!

  3. Copy-editing “workshop” (Carley)

    1. Time to get ~really~ picky :-)

8:10-8:25 — Discussion

  1. Sign up to lead future discussions

  2. Discussion articles on “The Rich White Civil War” by David Brooks (NY Times) and “Exclusion and Embrace by Miroslav Volf" by Stephen Hall (Ruminating.org). Led by Ashley Kim

    1. Additional interview, "Why Does Piper Avoid Politics and What's Trending?" on desiringGod.org

8:25-8:30 — Pray + Closing remarks