

Olivia Simoni

living Word 
breathe life here 
into sunken bones and blurry eyes i am weary,
i am waiting 

meet me Word of God 
on this once-again-tuesday 
on this tired morning 
find me 
search me 
know me 

i am hungry for your voice 
i am tired of myself 
i am small 
and in need of a King 
come now and bind me to thee 
sword, cut to the marrow and remove what is not you 

for your Word is 
through a mirror dimly, let me see 

Gospel truth 
make me weep again 
for home 
for more than this 

bring me back to awe 
let me see the suffering 
let me feel the weight of the sacrifice
that i have heard 
too many sundays in a row 
and become numb to 

revive me 

in the morning when i rise 
your Word is my manna 
my delight 
make me still 
hold me here, in the thin place
where heaven meets earth 
where your mystery is known 



is a senior from France and Dubai, studying English Literature. About to graduate, Liv is slightly depressed about saying goodbye to the campus and people she loves, but is stoked to embark on the next crazy chapter—marriage and moving to the other side of the world! (Insider tip: if you buy Liv a chai, co-create a good inside joke with her that you've both taken too far, or complement her kindergarten-teacher style clothes, you'll instantly be her friend!)